Monday, 6 October 2014

Cans For Kids 2014-Goat Project Nusa Penida

Cans For Kids: 2014 Goat Project
Our Lady of Hope School: Year 5/6 students

Cans For Kids Project working together with FNPF

Journalist: Kerry Hall
Students Hayley and Tahlia buried in recyclables (Photography by Pat Kr)

The ‘Cans For Kids Project’ – a fundraising and social outreach initiative by Year 5 & 6
students at Our Lady of Hope School in Adelaide, South Australia – provides micro-financing
funds for Balinese children in need from the sale of recyclable plastic bottles, cans and fruit
Students collect the containers, which are cleaned and sorted, before selling them to raise
money for social-enterprise projects on and around Bali. The student’s latest campaign has
funded the purchase of five goats loaned to families of schoolchildren on the island of Nusa
Penida, off Bali– an Indonesian island group popular with generations Australian holiday
With support from Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF), the proceeds of
‘Cans for Kids Project’ paid for purchase and transport of the goats to Nusa Penida. The
project has provided opportunity for five families who live on Nusa Penida to ‘borrow’
goats for two years. Any off spring born during the loan period can be kept by the family
for breeding and sale.
After the loan period, the original goat is ‘returned’ and loaned to another family. The
goat-loan-breeding program can help offset educational costs of children and also support
the work of FNPF. The Cans For Kids Project is all about kids recycling to help kids in need.
See : Cans for Kids

And we're on the way to Nusa Penida! (Photography by Damai)

Almost there..........(Photography by Godi)

The 'Cans For Kids goat family settling into their new homes.
(Photography of 5 goats by Damai)

Humans rarely talk of us, the humble, simple Goat
We’re seen by most on roads and paths and places quite remote
We graze in mountain pastures and bleat with pure delight
We’re going to help a family, fight their awful plight
Our task is very simple and of course we aim to please
Our masters’ income trebles as he sells our milk and cheese
He keeps the profits for his tribe, a better life now yields
We get treated handsomely, by living in lush fields
After a vacation, off we go once more
Assisting one more family, escaping from being poor
I urge more Goats to join this scheme, to see the children smile
To realise our diversity, to see it’s all worthwhile
Rhyme by Jerry Berry Roberts.
Jerry Roberts is a travelling poet, who pens popular rhymes
of life’s wonders around the globe.

Cans For Kids 2014/15 Child Sponsorship-Adi Rare Bhuana Foundation

During 2014 and 2015 the Cans For Kids Project also collaborated with
the Adi Buana Foundation (ADF)

to provide a scholarship for this little boy (Bayu) to attend school for one year.

This will also occur for 2015.

Bayu is a healthy, energetic little boy raring to go!
Bayu (early 2014) prior to starting school

His father (Made) is disabled.

His mother (Shanti) has had polio. They find it hard to get enough money for everyday things.

They live in one room which the nearby yoga centre in Singaradja is lending them.

Made and Shanti are with Gusti (from the ABF), to discuss the details of  Bayu’s scholarship.

Tika (also from ABF and Gusti’s wife) is visiting the teacher to get Bayu enrolled for school
and pay his school fees for 1 year.

Now Bayu will have the chance to be educated, and hopefully get a good job later, 

so he can have a brighter future and look after his parents when they get older….

Thanks to students, staff, parents and supporters of Cans For Kids at OLOH School, 

and also Gusti and Tika for their tireless efforts.

It's only $200 AUS to sponsor Bayu for one year, 

so it will not be difficult to maintain an on-going commitment to the education of Bayu.

Bayu (January 2015) after attending school for 6 months....with Tika.

Bayu's progress has been outstanding. 
In just 6 months he has become confident and sociable.

Nice to meet you Made:)

Proud mum Shanti .....makes the best biscuits!

Gusti happily plays with Bayu's new toy.
Bayu waits patiently...

Hey I'm also Made..... number 2

Bayu's sponsorship will continue into the 2025/26 school year.
A receipt will be posted here upon my return in August 2015.